About US-Poland TTP

The US-Poland Technology Transfer Project is an initiative of the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering of The University of Mississippi (UM-NCCHE) and the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS-IG) allowing for the transfer of computational modeling technology from UM-NCCHE to the research scientists and engineers of Polish institutions, with the financial support provided by the US Agency for International Development (US-AID) during a period of one year from 1 July, 2003 to 30 June, 2004. The use of the new state of the art research tools, computational simulation models is aimed at the solution of the problems associated with the water resources in Poland as well as the enhancement of the quality of environment in Poland.

Research proposals were solicited from selected Polish institutions leading in water resources and environmental engineering research. Submitted proposals have been reviewed by panels of Polish experts in the technical field of each proposal. Among the 12 proposals submitted for evaluation, 8 have been selected for funding. The progress and accomplishments of funded projects shall be monitored jointly by PAS-IG and UM-NCCHE.

In addition to funding and monitoring of 8 Research Projects to be carried out by various institutions in Poland, scientists of PAS-IG and UM-NCCHE have agreed to conduct collaborative research for the solution to the water resources and environmental quality problems in Poland, as well as cooperate in organizing workshops, seminars and/or symposia to promote the transfer of computational modeling technology from UM-NCCHE to Polish research scientists and engineers.



Recognition of Hydrological Processes in the Upper Narew Multichannel River System and Their Influence on Sustainable Development of the Region, Dr. Pawel Rowinski (PAS-IG)


Forecasting of Fluvial Processes on the Skawa River within Back-Water Reach of Swinna Poreba Reservoir, Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Bartnik (Agr. Univ. Krakow)


Application of the CCHE Models for the Explanation of Factors Causing Deep Erosion of Vistula River Bed in Warsaw, Assist. Prof. Dr. Janusz Zelazinski (IMGW)


Flood Control Management in the River System of Reservoirs – Application for Nysa Klodzka Reservoir System in Poland, Dr. Romuald Szymkiewicz (GUT)


The Influence of River Training on Hydrodynamic and Morphological Changes In Open Channel Flow, The Example of Lower Vistula River, Dr. Malgorzata Robakiewicz (PAS-IH)


Sediment Problems of Small Catchments and Reservoirs in Poland, Prof. dr hab. Dr. Kazimierz Banasik (Warsaw Agr. Univ.)


Investigation of Hydraulic Conditions in the Upper Narew River System and their Influence on the Regional Development, Prof. Dr. Janusz Kubrak


Immobilization of Phosphorous and Sediments Loads in a Lowland River Floodplain, Dr. Artur Magnuszewski(Warsaw Univ.)